Wandering around kathmandu

The Thamel district of Kathmandu is where many travellers head for. It’s full of tourist shops that sell everything from Nepalese sining bowls to fake climbing equipment (not that you would ever want fake climbing equipment!). Wander around this area for an hour or so and you quickly realise it is time to escape., and wander the real city.

Within minutes I am lost in a maze of streets that criss-cross the city. Just following my nose, eyes wide with excitement. Each direction I turn, every place that I look, a million opportunities for a photograph.

Streets packed to bursting point with people. Scooters and motorbikes gliding through them like sharks through school of fish – the people giving way, only to quickly devour the space left behind.

It’s not long before I reach the intersection of four roads – a place where chaos converges. People and vehicles all moving in different directions with no obvious means of priority or control. Each person, scooter, car moves in some form of organised chaos. To the casual on-looker there would appear to be no sense of logic, but after a while a certain sense of order takes shape and everything just seems to work.